How To Layer Your Clothes & Gear For Rain At Work

If you are looking for rain gear for work, you may have questions about the best way to layer your clothing. Working in the rain can become extremely uncomfortable in very little time, and it is important that you pay close attention to the type of gear you wear if you will be spending a lot of time in the wet weather.

Believe it or not, there is an ideal way to layer your clothing for the rain and generally wet weather. These are the three layers of clothing you should consider as you dress for work.

Layer One

The first layer is your regular clothing. You might want to choose a material closest to your body that will wick away sweat. This is a layer that should be comfortable because it is going to be closest to your body. It also consists of the clothing you will wear if you take off all your rain gear.

This first layer may include long underwear if it is especially cold, but warm weather could indicate that you should wear just a basic set of underwear and clothing. Make sure that you account for the fact that you could get warm under your layers, even when the weather is wet.

Layer Two

The second layer is going to provide some rain protection, but it will focus more on keeping you warm. This is the layer meant to provide insulation. It helps your body stay protected from cold elements.

This layer might include a basic jacket, perhaps something with insulation. If you plan to wear rain-safe pants as a third layer, you might wear fleece pants or leggings underneath them. If the weather is warm outside, you might opt to wear shorts underneath the third layer of rain-friendly pants.

Layer Three

The outer layer, also known as the shell, offers the most protection against the weather. This layer needs to be waterproof, but you also want to make sure that it is a breathable fabric. You might toss in a lightweight jacket as an extra layer if you intend to wear a large raincoat.

Find the Best Rain Gear for Work

No matter where you work, it is essential that you find the best rain gear for the elements. Shopping online is a great way to find the best rain gear for your situation. If you are ready to prepare for wet weather, work gear should be your first stop on the way. Look into rain gear for work near you.

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Organization for Entrepreneurs

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